This was an interesting turn up for the books. It turns out that a guy called Nick who works as a sports writer for The Independent used to be the editor of
JETfuel about ten years ago. He was writing an article on the popularity of the Premiership around the world, so got in touch with Colin, the Fukui JET President, who put him in touch with legendary clothing tycoon and raconteur Yoshi, resulting in the above snippet from last week's paper. I particularly like Yoshi's system of choosing a football team to support based on accent - by this reasoning, and by looking at football fan club sizes, we come to the surprising conclusion that Mancunians have one of the best accents in the world.
It's encouraging to see that an ex-JETfuel editor has ended up with such a desirable post on a quality broadsheet - kind of bodes well for my journalistic aspirations, don't you think? I wonder what happened to all the other JETfuel editors over the years... If anyone knows what they're doing now, please leave a comment below. Maybe we could have a JETfuel reunion or something. With balloons. And cake. Mmmmm, cake.
i'm still editing... but you knew that. am i still eligible for this cake you speak of or do i have to ascend to ex-editor first.
I think there's more than enough cake for everyone Dan, don't you worry yourself!
Well, I know one of them runs a pimped out online magazine for snow travellerscalled "SnowSphere.com".
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