Return of The Candy Man
Well, the response was quite phenomenal. I was showered, nay, bombarded, with just one suggestion for an album (The Figurines - which, of course, was possibly the only album NOT in the CD library). You lazy lot.
Still, it's all of no consequence now, since I have been rediscovering the delights of radio - yes, irony of ironies, in the midst of the Babel of audio albums I've been listening to BBC London on my mobile phone. Why BBC London you ask? Simple: it's the only station I can pick up in the nest of electronic interference that is the audio department of Inflight Productions - which surely says something for the Samson-like strength of the BBC London radio signal, which I believe is actually hurled by the mighty arm of Zeus himself from BBC headquarters.
Anyway, because of all this I've been delighted to discover the joys of Danny Baker's afternoon radio show, which is a true revelation - definitely the best radio show I've heard since the heady days of Ricky Gervais on Xfm, or even the halcyon nights of Mark and Lard's evening show on Radio 1. The best thing about it is that it's available on demand, so if you can't listen to the radio between 3 and 5pm, you can go here to catch up with the last week's shows.
Even better, Danny's just starting doing something he calls the All Day Breakfast Show - an internet-only podcast which is a sort of spin-off from the afternoon show. I was listening to it on the tube this morning, and it's priceless - particularly the story about the gay hamster. I urge you to download it with all speed - it's available on iTunes and Wippit. And best of all, it's free!